
I've made a totally rookie photographer mistake -- trying to capture something that can't be captured by a camera. This bush smells so wonderful right now, thanks to the sudden appearance of these little flowers, that I felt compelled to photograph it. No matter what kind of picture I took, though, there is no way to show you how wonderful, down into your lungs, the air smells as you stand next to this bush. It's sweet, but not drippy sweet -- sweet like a hug from a dear friend. It smells sweet like the smile of a child after he's blown out his birthday candles. But you can't smell that looking at this photo -- and I'm sorry!
I know what you mean. I took a picture of a breathtaking view of a beautiful ocean once, and what I got was a flat, boring, gray picture of water, sand and sky, and that's it. No where as beautiful as the real thing! Those are the times when we just need to take a picture with our brain and God-created memory instead of with the man-made memory cards! Sometimes the sweetest expressions of our babies are the hardest to get on camera because you just want to look at them and soak it all in, so by the time you get the camera, they're done! At least we can get next-best pictures, though.