
Hills are great groans to grown ups, aren't they? We nearly pant as we push our legs grudgingly step-by-slow-step upwards. But to children, a hill is a delight -- a welcome challenge, and invitation, even, to spring into a trot up and down and up and down. Their giggles of delight as they propel their little bodies upward is only topped by their thrilled squeals as they stumble down, high on the fear that they may actually tumble head-over-heals the rest of the way. It makes most of us tired just to watch them. But if you
do just get up and give it a try, you see what they love. The challenge, the satisfaction, and then the wind-in-your-face run/stumble down, where if you think too much about your feet you're likely to fall, but if you just let your body do what it knows, you make it to the bottom exhilarated (and winded). The satisfying plop down into the grass as you laugh deep into your gut, because you're breathing so hard, makes you remember childhood -- makes you feel like you are there all over again, if only for a few moments.