
Blueberries are special things in our house. They're so special because they can disappear in the blink of an eye -- and often do. Stefanie has been known to devour an entire bowl of blueberries in the time it takes me to go into the kitchen to get a second bowl to split them with her brother. Well, today she did her share of devouring, but she also did a little bit of sharing. Every fourth blueberry or so she'd offer to Steve. It was what we call in our family "A great act of love." These delicious blueberries were courtesy of Nana and Deda -- Thank you!
N and j love blueberries too! One of Jacob's first favourite foods! Of course, Justin and I like them too. Yes, if we don't ration them throughout the year, they are gone. (we have vacuum sealed packs in the freezer, each pack a one-month ration, to last until June! (We bought 20 pounds last summer, when the store had 5# boxes on sale.) What a treat! You have a very nice blog, by the way. Thanks for leading me to the Adventures of an Orthodox Mom blog as well!