Saturday, September 18, 2010
53 - Charge!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
52 - Homework
Friday, July 2, 2010
41 • Sweet
Thursday, July 1, 2010
50 • Playtime
49 • Not Photoshop
Not Photoshop
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
48 • Wisconsin
This picture is really out of order. This was from Memorial Day weekend -- I agonized over selecting a photo from that weekend to post, and apparently never made a decision!
I actually don't like pine trees very much at all. I mean, I like the green color during winter, but in general, especially in suburbia, I think they always somehow look dirty and unhealthy. But even I love how this photo looks -- and it makes me think about how all it takes is a really close (intimate) look at something to see its beauty. How many people look a disheveled mess on the outside, but begin to shine in our eyes once we speak with them and learn their story, their passions, their hopes, their longsuffering through pain. A good lesson to remind us not simply to "never judge a book by its cover," but to take the time to open the cover and read the book.
47 • Corn
46 • Delicioso
43 • Liftoff
Saturday, June 5, 2010
41 • Rain
The rain rain rain came down down down
and the kids ran out to greet it.
Their tongues tongues tongues got wet wet wet
as they stuck em out to taste it.
Morning spring rains are great for barefeet pajama running around outside. You'd have thought I spent a hundred dollars on a new toy, the way they were giggling and jumping and looking at me so lovingly, cool wet drops dripping from their chins, ears, and noses.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
40 • American PreSchool
American PreSchool
This picture is so wonderful because their faces are not just blank "happy" smiles -- I could write volumes about what they're each thinking. What do you imagine what the little thought bubbles would read? Oh yeah, and the kid biting into that cupcake in the background is pretty awesome too. =)Monday, May 24, 2010
39 • Spray me!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
38 • Yum

And then we went to see Oceans, Disney's new documentary about underwater life. Again, our eyes and ears were delighted -- it was stunning to see. But I couldn't help noticing how differently food was portrayed in the animal kingdom. It was snatched, swallowed whole, with little attention even to removing, say, the shell from the baby turtle. At best, a creature might break the leg of the crab to suck the meat out -- but another creature just vacuumed the bottom of the seabed, sucking up not only green grasses but also sand, debris, and surely fecal matter from other fish. Food was nourishment -- in fact, I would say it was a barrier to enjoying life, because it was the primary task one had to accomplish. Whales traveled literally thousands of miles, meanwhile shedding hundreds and hundreds of pounds in hunger, in order to find their feeding ground in the north.
It all makes me a little less grumpy about my not-so-difficult task of preparing three certainly-more-delicious-than-any-of-that meals every day for my family.
37 • Gold
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
It seemed particularly appropriate as I walked past these beautiful lilac trees yesterday -- all the sweet smells and charming colors of spring last such a short while. Lilacs bring vivid memories of my Yiayia Jennie, my dad's mom. She loved lilacs, and had them her yard. The smell takes me right back there, eagerly bringing stems of fragrant flowers into her kitchen as if they were a brilliant surprise. She too was gold -- as we all are. We come, we radiate (we hope!) joy and beauty to the world around us, and then we fade away. We are stunning, and we wilt. I don't mean it to be depressing -- it is just the truth. A reminder to enjoy it while it is, because at some point, it won't be any more. And if we don't notice, see--experience--this gold that surrounds us, it will vanish and we won't even have the memory. How grateful I am to, even for a moment, be back in Yiayia's yard tossing lilacs like confetti across the grass, or peering through the water-glass vase of purple petals as the adults talked over coffee. Nothing gold can stay.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
36 • Yawn
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
35 • Spring
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
34 • Miracle
I continue to be amazed at how a little seed yields a new life. We hope to transfer these seedlings into the backyard garden in a few weeks.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
33 • Art
Saturday, April 17, 2010
32 • Surprise
Friday, April 16, 2010
31 • Perfume
30 • Truth
But despite the truth that this flower is already decaying, and its days (nay, hours!) are numbered -- I think this is a beautiful picture. There is a beauty in what this little piece of creation is doing, in the warm sunlight of this spring day -- and I'm glad to have captured it.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
29 • Tree
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
28 • Newly Illumined
Newly Illumined
Some of you have noticed my lapse in daily postings. Like so many good habits, if you break from the routine even a day or two, suddenly it's been 10 and you have to struggle back into it. I have posted a picture for each day that I took them, and will start fresh tomorrow. Thank you for the encouragement!
27 • Pascha
26 • His Eminence
His Eminence
25 • Red
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
24 • Spring
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
23 • Monster
Sunday, March 28, 2010
22 • Peek!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
21 • Tired
Friday, March 26, 2010
20 • Bread
I can't wait to watch Nikolas and Stefanie pass out the little loaves to some friends tomorrow. "Lazarus, come out!"
Here is the photo progression of the rising of the dough, and the shaping of our little Lazarus men, wrapped as if he were in a tomb.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
19 • Eggs
Not all all Easter preparations are spiritual. Today my koubara and I filled plastic eggs with all kinds of sweet goodies. (She found an online vender who was willing to sell her all red eggs! Orthodox Christians have traditionally dyed their Easter eggs red to symbolize Christ's sacrifice, which gave forth new life.) I can't wait to see the kids, all dressed and cute, hunting around for the eggs with their friends. I can just see Stefanie running to me all wild-eyed, clutching an egg, saying "Look mom! Look! Look! I found one! I found one red egg! Look mom! Look!" I can also hear the negotiations between the two of them, as I am am guessing Nikolas will finally realize that the chocolate eggs are more valuable than the jelly beans. However it will all go, I am looking forward to the day and all the celebrating!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
18 • Palms
May we all hold fast to this love and zeal we feel in our hearts right now, may we hold on to it for longer and longer every year, until we never let go.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
17 • Meeting
Monday, March 22, 2010
16 • Click!
My assistant Nikolas and I were on the prowl for a good picture this afternoon. After some decent shots of flowers, an unmade bed, and our icon corner, we took several of the wild animals that live in the green bin on the bottom shelf.
In the end, however, it was the candid photo of my trusty assistant that I decided was my picture of the day. He seemed to have fun shooting all kinds of pictures -- including every page of his favorite library train book. Like so many parents, I often wonder what hobbies my children will love or will excel at. It's funny -- when I was still pregnant with Nikolas I remember wondering what would make him laugh, eager to be introduced to his sense of humor. Almost five years later I laugh doubly every time he cracks a joke, or does something silly and then shoots me an expectant side glance, waiting for the response. I know I'll need always to remember that the children are their own persons, with their own interests and skills. I am sure that my own parents shake their heads and marvel at how differently the three of us kids turned out. But isn't that the beauty of parenting -- not living vicariously through them, but co-creating them, with God, as unique individuals. As their own unique images of God, they'll each reflect God in their own way, the way Light, shown through a prism, is castacross the wall in a myriad of colors. What a beautiful way to imagine one's family!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
15 • Paschal preparations
Paschal Preparations
Starting back in early February, the church has been gently (and not-so-gently) guiding us through the steps to clean out our souls, filthy from inattention. Prayer and fasting have been the prescription, and their results are pretty amazing. It's like someone opening the blinds on these first warm sunny days, pulling the drapery all the way back, and allowing the bright light to filter in and reveal that which was hidden in the dark of winter: the dusty cobweb strings hanging in a corner, the fingerprints on the wall, the fine layer of grey that covers the figurines in the curio cabinet. Suddenly it's all visible, and filthy-looking -- and we are oh-so-motivated to conquer it all before the arrival of guests on Easter. But for the light of the Sun, we may not have even realized the house wasn't clean.
And then there's the baking -- the baking! With still two weeks to go, we've already baked the carrot cake cupcakes (now in the freezer), the kourabiethes (now soaking in the powdered sugar), and the tiropites (frozen and ready to go in the oven). Tonight we rolled out the first batch of koulourakia (pictured). All these special things we do to entice our guests, to show them how loved they are, and to set apart this day as particularly special.
Similarly, of course, we should be making a special place in our hearts for the arrival of the Guest of Honor. It's hard to believe that just two short weeks from right now we'll be in church, eagerly awaiting the Light of the Resurrection. I get a little shiver just thinking about that moment when all of these preparations come to fruition. There is nothing like Easter, nothing like the joy in your soul after preparing for the celebration. Nothing like opening wide the door at which Christ is always patiently knocking, confident that the dust and the cob webs have been wiped away, and that the table is filled with food appropriate for such a momentous occasion. Kalo Pascha everyone -- may these last two weeks of your lenten journey be blessed!
Friday, March 19, 2010
14 • Splash
Thursday, March 18, 2010
13 • Going 'round
Going 'round
The best part was reading on the children's faces what they were feeling in their stomachs. Their eyes were round, their lips turned in hesitant smiles as they clutched the golden poles. I thought this picture captured Niko's nervous excitement, as well as the motion of the ride.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
12 • Water lilly
Water lilly
I am going to leave my thoughts right there. I have had a beautiful, sun-filled, love-filled day, and while I see all kinds of places my thoughts can go, I am just going to let them rest on the mysterious beauty of this flower. If you want to share any thoughts, you are welcome to.
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